Mahindra&Mahindra on Thursday said it expects to come up with a sophisticated ventilator priced at just INR 7,500. The company expects the ventilator to be useful in the fight against the Corona Pandemic.
Mahindra developing ventilators, the company said, it hopes to have a prototype of an automated version of the bag valve mask ventilator, commonly known as the Ambu bag. The ventilator is in its trial phase and is expected to be approved in the next three days. “… we are simultaneously working with an indigenous maker of ICU ventilators. These are sophisticated machines costing between (INR) 5 to 10 lakhs. This device is an interim lifesaver; the team estimates it will cost below INR 7,500,” Mahindra Group Chairman, Anand Mahindra said in a tweet.
Prior, Mahindra&Mahindra Managing Director Pawan Goenka said the organization is likewise working with two huge PSUs alongside a current producer of high spec ventilators to assist them with rearranging plans and scaling up limits.
In a progression of tweets, he further said,” at another end, we are working on an automated version of the Bag Valve Mask ventilator (commonly known as Ambu bag). We hope to have a Proto ready in 3 days for approval. Once proven this design will be made available to all for manufacturing.”
On Sunday, Anand Mahindra stated that Mahindra Group will promptly start to take a shot at how its manufacturing facilities can make ventilators.
Goenka said, “We at Mahindra are overwhelmed with pouring in of support from individuals and companies for our effort to make available ventilators.”
Mahindra had also offered the facilities of the group’s hospitality arm in order to fight again the Corona pandemic as the total number of Coronavirus patients is rapidly increasing in the country.
The organization has additionally reported in the past that it is working closely with a current ventilator producer and two significant public sector firms to get help with the improvement of the last plan of Mahindra’s respiratory device.
Mahindra Developing Ventilators
- The company says they have prepared a ventilator that will just cost under Rs 7,500.
- India currently has just 1 lakh ventilators.
- The ventilators will be useful in fighting against the corona pandemic.
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